Scanning probe detector channel descriptions

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Typical definitions of 26ID scan detector channels

Detector Channel number EPICS Process variable Description
D01 26idsclr1:scaler1.S1 I0 - Integrated Ion chamber current after NES slits (change current amplification via yellow SR570 tab on main beamline screen)
D02 26idcXMAP:mca5.R1 Bi - Fluorescence channel from outboard detector, summed ROI#1 - find and modify with MCA software from User Tools tab on main beamline screen
D03 26idcXMAP:mca5.R2 Ti - Fluorescence channel from outboard detector, summed ROI#2 - find and modify with MCA software from User Tools tab on main beamline screen
D04 26idcXMAP:mca5.R5 Fe - Fluorescence channel from outboard detector, summed ROI#5 - find and modify with MCA software from User Tools tab on main beamline screen
D05 26id:ccd.R01.Average Integrated Intensity/Num Pixels for CCD ROI#1 - ROI#1 defines the total active chip area to be saved, so this is the total CCD intensity per pixel
D06 26id:ccd.R02.Average Integrated Intensity/Num Pixels for CCD ROI#2 - usually tightly defined around the outgoing beam - Contrast here is related to diffracting volume
D07 26id:ccd.R02.XCentroid X center of mass of intensity in CCD ROI#2 - This is related to lattice strain and rotation in the diffraction plane, scales away from center of ROI2 with signal/dark current
D08 26id:ccd.R02.YCentroid Y center of mass of intensity in CCD ROI#2 - This is related to lattice rotation out of the diffraction plane, scales away from center of ROI2 with signal/dark current
D09 26idcDET:userCalc3.VAL R02.Average - R03.Average, Background subtracted average intensity - ROI#3 typically set around an unused area, this is useful for viewing scans in progress with low contrast
D10 26idcDET:userCalc6.VAL CCD Image number - If you are using the CCD DO NOT MODIFY THIS CHANNEL as it is necessary for Matlab analysis routines
D11 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch1_raw.VAL Channel 1 - C Hutch digital multimeter - FOMX temperature
D12 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch2_raw.VAL Channel 2 - C Hutch digital multimeter - FOMY temperature
D13 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch3_raw.VAL Channel 3 - C Hutch digital multimeter - FOMZ temperature
D14 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch4_raw.VAL Channel 4 - C Hutch digital multimeter - SAMX temperature
D15 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch5_raw.VAL Channel 5 - C Hutch digital multimeter - SAMY temperature
D16 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch6_raw.VAL Channel 6 - C Hutch digital multimeter - SAMZ temperature
D17 26idctsrc:DMM1:Ch7_raw.VAL Channel 7 - C Hutch digital multimeter - SAM Theta temperature
D18 26idpvc:userStringCalc3.VAL Time of day - Units are fractional hours (ie 22.5 = 10:30pm) - use min and max of a linear scan to accurately estimate 2D scanning times, discontinuity in this channel indicates a hung scan
D19 - -
D20 - -
D21 B26ID-CG-DCM-01:PFEED Feed pressure of LN2 cryocooler internal circuit - spikes at refill, adjust fill cycle levels and remove ice from vent line to minimize this
D22 B26ID-CG-DCM-01:MNLEV Cryocooler main vessel LN2 level - direct measure of LN2 fill cycle, dewar currently is kept between 80-60% full
D23 26id:BLEPS:MIRROR TEMP 01:RBV First mirror temperature - RTD readout - useful to monitor equilibration after a beam dump
D24 26id:BLEPS:MIRROR TEMP 02:RBV Second mirror temperature
D25 26id:BLEPS:XTAL_TEMP_01:RBV DCM first crystal temperature - typically -234 deg F
D26 26id:BLEPS:XTAL_TEMP_02:RBV DCM second crystal temperature - typically -171 deg F
D27 26idctsrc:bpmds:current:total Alternate I0 - integrated intensity on all four quadrant diodes at the front of C Hutch - mono beam intensity measurement that does not depend on NES slit settings or exposure times
D28 26idctsrc:bpmds:pos:x Approximate X (horizontal) position of mono beam in microns at the front of C hutch - related to mirror piezo and DCM chi2 stability
D29 26idctsrc:bpmds:pos:y Approximate Y (vertical) position of mono beam in microns measured at the front of C hutch - primarily related to DCM theta2 stability
D30 S:SRcurrentAI Alternate I0 - APS storage ring current value, useful for normalizing long scan data when the ring is not in top-up mode - unexpected changes of this value indicate orbit/steering loss or beam dump
D31 26idbDCM:userCalc1.VAL Fe fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#8
D32 26idbDCM:userCalc2.VAL Cu fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#11
D33 26idbDCM:userCalc3.VAL Zn fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#13
D34 26idbDCM:userCalc4.VAL Co fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#9
D35 26idbDCM:userCalc5.VAL Ti fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#4
D36 26idbDCM:userCalc6.VAL Ca fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#3
D37 26idbDCM:userCalc7.VAL Mn fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#7
D38 26idbDCM:userCalc8.VAL Si fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#1
D39 26idbDCM:userCalc9.VAL Al fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#0
D40 26idbDCM:userCalc10.VAL K fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#2
D41 26idbPBS:userCalc5.VAL V fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#5
D42 26idbPBS:userCalc4.VAL Full spectra - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) over all energies- ROI#15
D43 26idbPBS:userCalc6.VAL P fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#14
D44 26idbDCM:userCalc8.VAL Au fluorescence - Integrated signal from the four elements of the inboard detector (26idcXMAPmca1 - 26idcXMAPmca4) - ROI#10
D45 - -
D46 26id:ccd.Milliseconds CCD exposure time - useful for scan to scan normalization
D47 26idcXMAP:PresetReal Fluorescence detector exposure time
D48 - -
D49 - -
D50 - -
D51 26idcnpi:m10.RBV Focus X readback value - these next ten detectors are the absolute positions of the NPI scanning axes this should allow you to fully recreate the NPI scanning position at any data point
D52 26idcnpi:m11.RBV Focus Y readback value
D53 26idcnpi:m12.RBV Focus Z readback value
D54 26idcnpi:m16.RBV Sample X readback value
D55 26idcnpi:m17.RBV Sample Y readback value
D56 26idcnpi:m18.RBV Sample Z readback value
D57 26idcnpi:m20.RBV Sample Theta readback value
D58 26idcDET:base:Theta_d Two theta detector position
D59 26idcnpi:m34.RBV Piezo X readback value - differential Focus-Sample X position measured by the laser reference frame
D60 26idcnpi:m35.RBV Piezo Y readback value - differential Focus-Sample Y position measured by the laser reference frame