RRM 3-14 Multi-Bit Binary Input
mbbi -- Multi-Bit Binary Input
The normal use for the multi-bit binary input record is to read contiguous, multiple bit inputs from hardware. The binary value represents a state from a range of up to 16 states. The multi-bit input record interfaces with devices that use more than one bit.
Most device support modules obtain values from hardware and place the value in RVAL. For these device support modules record processing uses RVAL to determine the current state (VAL is given a value between 0 and 15). Device support modules may optionally read a value directly into VAL.
Soft device modules are provided to obtain input via database or channel access links or via dbPutField or dbPutLink requests. Two soft device support modules are provided: Soft Channel
allows VAL to be an arbitrary unsigned short integer. Raw Soft Channel
reads the value into RVAL just like normal device support modules.
Parameter Fields
The multi-bit binary input fields fall into the following categories:
- scan parameters
- read and convert parameters
- operator display parameters
- alarm parameters
- run-time and simulation mode parameters
Scan parameters
The multi-bit binary input record has the standard fields for specifying under what circumstances it will be processed. These fields are listed in Scan Fields. In addition, Scanning Specification explains how these fields are used. Note that I/O event scanning is only supported for those card types that interrupt.
Read and Convert Parameters
The device support routines obtain the record's input from the device or link specified in the INP field. For records that obtain their input from devices, the INP field must contain the address of the I/O card, and the DTYP field must specify the proper device support module. Be aware that the address format differs according to the I/O bus used. See Address Specification for information on the format of hardware addresses. You can see a list of the device support modules currently supported at the user's local site by using the dbst
utility in R3.13.
Two soft device support modules can be specified in DTYP--Soft Channel
and Raw Soft Channel
. Raw Soft Channel
reads the value into RVAL, upon which the normal conversion process is undergone. Soft Channel
reads any unsigned integer directly into VAL. For a soft mbbi record, the INP field can be a constant, a database, or a channel access link. If INP is a constant, then the VAL is initialized to the constant value but can be changed at run-time via dbPutField or dbPutLink. See Address Specification for information on the format of database addresses.
MASK is used by the raw soft channel read routine, and by typical device support read routines, to select only the desired bits when reading the hardware register. It is initialized to ((1 << NOBT) - 1) by record initialization. The user can configure the NOBT field, but the device support routines may set it, in which case the value given to it by the user is simply overridden. The device support routines may also override MASK or shift it left by SHFT bits. If MASK is non-zero, only the bits specified by MASK will appear in RVAL.
Unless the device support routine specifies no conversion, RVAL is used to determine VAL as follows:
- RVAL is assigned to a temporary variable -- rval = RVAL
- rval is shifted right SHFT number of bits.
- A match is sought between rval and one of the state value fields, ZRVL-FFVL.
Each of the fields, ZRVL-FFVL, represents one of the possible sixteen states (not all sixteen have to be used).
Alternatively, the input value can be read as a string, in which case, a match is sought with one of the strings specified in the ZRST-FFST fields. Then RVAL is set equal to the corresponding value for that string, and the conversion process occurs.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
VAL | Value Field | ENUM | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
INP | Input Link | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
MASK | Mask | ULONG | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
NOBT | Number of Bits | SHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
RVAL | Raw Data Value | ULONG | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SHFT | Shift | USHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
ZRVL | Zero Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ONVL | One value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TWVL | Two Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
THVL | Three Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FRVL | Four Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FVVL | Five Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SXVL | Six Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SVVL | Seven Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
EIVL | Eight value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
NIVL | Nine Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TEVL | Ten Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ELVL | Eleven Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TVVL | Twelve Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TTVL | Thirteen Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FTVL | Fourteen Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FFVL | Fifteen Value | ULONG | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ZRST | Zero String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ONST | One String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TWST | Two String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
THST | Three String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FRST | Four String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FVST | Five String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SXST | Six String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SVST | Seven String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
EIST | Eight String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
NIST | Nine String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TEST | Ten String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ELST | Eleven String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TVST | Twelve String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TTST | Thirteen String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FTST | Fourteen String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FFST | Fifteen String | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Operator Display Parameters
These parameters are used to present meaningful data to the operator. They display the value and other parameters of the mbbi record either textually or graphically. The ZRST-FFST fields contain strings describing one of the possible states of the record. The get_enum_str
and get_enum_strs
record routines retrieve these strings for the operator. Get_enum_str
gets the string corresponding to the value set in VAL, and get_enum_strs
retrieves all the strings.
See Fields Common to All Record Types for more on the record name (NAME) and description (DESC) fields.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
ZRST,...,FFST | Zero String, One String, ... | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
NAME | Record Name | STRING [29] | Yes | 0 | Yes | No | No | |
DESC | Description | STRING [29] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Alarm Parameters
The possible alarm conditions for multi-bit binary inputs are the SCAN, READ, and state alarms. The state alarms are configured in the below severity fields. These fields have the usual possible values for severity fields: NO_ALARM, MINOR, and MAJOR.
The unknown state severity (UNSV) field, if set to MINOR or MAJOR, triggers an alarm when the record support routine cannot find a matching value in the state value fields for rval
The change of state severity (COSV) field triggers an alarm when any change of state occurs, if set to MAJOR or MINOR.
The other fields, when set to MAJOR or MINOR, trigger an alarm when VAL equals the corresponding state. See the See Alarm Specification for a complete explanation of discrete alarms and these fields. Alarm Fields lists other fields related to a alarms that are common to all record types.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
UNSV | Unknown State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
COSV | Change of State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ZRSV | 0 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ONSV | 1 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TWSV | 2 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
THSV | 3 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FRSV | 4 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FVSV | 5 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SXSV | 6 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
SVSV | 7 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
EISV | 8 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
NISV | 9 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TESV | 10 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ELSV | 11 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TVSV | 12 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
TTSV | 13 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FTSV | 14 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
FFSV | 15 State Severity | GBLCHOICE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Run-time Parameters
These parameters are used by the run-time code for processing the multi-bit binary input.
ORAW is used by record processing to hold the prior RVAL for use in determining when to post a monitor event for the RVAL field.
The LALM field implements the change of state alarm severity by holding the value of VAL when the previous change of state alarm was issued.
MLST holds the value when the last monitor for value change was triggered.
SDEF is used by record support to save time if no states are defined.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
ORAW | Old Raw Data | ULONG | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LALM | Last Alarmed | USHORT | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
MLST | Monitor Last | USHORT | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
SDEF | States Defined? | SHORT | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
Simulation Mode Parameters
The following fields are used to operate the mbbi record in the simulation mode. See Fields Common to Many Record Types for more information on these fields.
Record Support
Record Support Routines
This routine initializes SIMM with the value of SIML if SIML type is CONSTANT link or creates a channel access link if SIML type is PV_LINK. SVAL is likewise initialized if SIOL is CONSTANT or PV_LINK.
This routine next checks to see that device support is available and a device support read routine is defined. If either does not exist, an error message is issued and processing is terminated.
Clears MASK and then sets the NOBT low order bits.
If device support includes init_record, it is called.
init_common is then called to determine if any states are defined. If states are defined, SDEF is set to TRUE.
See next section.
Calls init_common to compute SDEF when any of the fields ZRVL, ... FFVL change value.
Fills in the values of struct valueDes so that they refer to VAL.
Retrieves ASCII string corresponding to VAL.
Retrieves ASCII strings for ZRST,...FFST.
Checks if string matches ZRST,...FFST and if it does, sets VAL.
Record Processing
Routine process implements the following algorithm:
- Check to see that the appropriate device support module exists. If it doesn't, an error message is issued and processing is terminated with the PACT field still set to TRUE. This ensures that processes will no longer be called for this record. Thus error storms will not occur.
- readValue is called. See Input Records for more information.
- If PACT has been changed to TRUE, the device support read routine has started but has not completed reading a new input value. In this case, the processing routine merely returns, leaving PACT TRUE.
- Convert:
- status=read_mbbi
- TIME = tsLocalTime
- If status is 0, then determine VAL
- Set rval = RVAL
- Shift rval right SHFT bits
- If at least one state value is defined
- Set UDF to TRUE
- If RVAL is ZRVL,...,FFVL then set
- VAL equals index of state
- UDF set to FALSE
- Else set VAL = undefined
- Else set VAL = RVAL
- Set UDF to FALSE
- If status is 1, return(0)
- If status is 2, set status = 0
- Check alarms. This routine checks to see if the new VAL causes the alarm status and severity to change. If so, NSEV, NSTA and LALM are set.
- Check to see if monitors should be invoked.
- Alarm monitors are invoked if the alarm status or severity has changed.
- Archive and value change monitors are invoked if MLST is not equal to VAL.
- Monitors for RVAL are checked whenever other monitors are invoked.
- NSEV and NSTA are reset to 0.
- Scan forward link if necessary, set PACT FALSE, and return.
Device Support
Fields Of Interest To Device Support
Each input record must have an associated set of device support routines.
The primary responsibility of the device support routines is to obtain a new raw input value whenever read_mbbi is called. The device support routines are primarily interested in the following fields:
Name | Summary | Description |
PACT | Processing Active | See Fields Common to All Record Types for an explanation of these fields. |
DPVT | Device Private | |
UDF | VAL Undefined | |
NSEV | New Alarm Severity | |
NSTA | New Alarm Status | |
NOBT | Number of Bits | Number of hardware bits accessed. They must be consecutive. |
VAL | Value Field | This field is set by the device support routines if they don't want record support to set it. |
INP | Input Link | This field is used by the device support routines to locate its input. |
RVAL | Raw Data Value | It is the responsibility of the device support routine to give this field a value. |
MASK | Mask | This is a mask used to read the hardware. Record support sets the low order NOBT bits. The device support routine can shift the bits. The device support routine should perform the shift in init_record. |
SHFT | Shift | This can be set by the device support module at init_record time. |
Device Support Routines
Device support consists of the following routines:
report(FILE fp, paddr)
Not currently used.
This routine is called once during IOC initialization.
This routine is optional. If provided, it is called by the record support init_record routine. If it uses MASK, it should shift it as necessary and also give SHFT a value.
get_ioint_info(int cmd,struct dbCommon *precord,IOSCANPVT *ppvt)
This routine is called by the ioEventScan system each time the record is added or deleted from an I/O event scan list. cmd has the value (0,1) if the record is being (added to, deleted from) an I/O event list. It must be provided for any device type that can use the I/O Event scanner.
This routine must provide a new input value. It returns the following values:
- 0: Success. A new raw value is placed in RVAL. The record support module determines VAL from RVAL, SHFT, and ZEVL ... FFVL.
- 2: Success, but don't modify VAL.
- Other: Error.
Device Support For Soft Records
Two soft device support modules Soft Channel
and Raw Soft Channel
are provided for multi-bit binary input records not related to actual hardware devices. The INP link type must be either CONSTANT, DB_LINK, or CA_LINK.
Soft Channel
read_mbbi always returns a value of 2, which means that no conversion is performed.
If the INP link type is constant, then the constant value is stored into VAL by init_record, and UDF is set to FALSE. VAL can be changed via dbPut requests. If the INP link type is PV_LINK, then dbCaAddInlink is called by init_record.
read_mbbi calls recGblGetLinkValue to read the current value of VAL. See Soft Input.
If the return status of recGblGetLinkValue is zero, then read_mbbi sets UDF to FALSE. The status of recGblGetLinkValue is returned.
Raw Soft Channel
This module is like the previous except that values are read into RVAL, VAL is computed from RVAL, and read_mbbi returns a value of 0. Thus the record processing routine will determine VAL in the normal way.
EPICS Record Reference Manual - 19 MAY 1998