Merging Branches into 3.15
Merges to work on:
- lp:~anj/epics-base/reorg-src
This is a modified and possibly re-based version of lp:~mdavidsaver/epics-base/reorg-src -- DONE - lp:~anj/epics-base/epicsEvent-api -- DONE
- lp:~anj/epics-base/process-get
Needs release notes written; Marty also provided code for mrkSoftTest that needs to be integrated into the lp:epics-base-tests project. - lp:~ralph-lange/epics-base/server-side-plugins
I started to re-base this branch onto a test merge of the above branches, but I broke the tests in db/test in one of the re-base commits, so I didn't complete this merge and I need to start the re-base again (which is unfortunately not simple since there are conflicts with the variable-length-array-subscriptions code, amongst others).
Other branches to merge (may need reviewing first):
- lp:~dirk.zimoch/epics-base/non-val-attributes
- lp:~dirk.zimoch/epics-base/named-soft-events
- lp:~johill-lanl/epics-base/R3.15-buildCompilerSpecific when complete.
- Atomic operations branch after agreement