Python Control Software

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Cryostat Python Control Software



Set up Oxford ITC503 Cryostat to default parameters

def SetupCryostat(sensor=2, tries=5)
   sensor: sensor # to control against: 1=gas inlet; 2=cold block (default); 3=spare
   tries: number of repeats to try when sending the command before giving up (default is 5)



Read Oxford ITC503 cryostat temperatures

def GetCryostatT(tries=5)
     input: number of times to attempt read (defaults to 5)
     returns a list of 3 temperatures: sensor1, sensor2, sensor3



Set Oxford ITC503 setpoint and optionally hold for temperature

def SetCryostatT(setpoint, WaitFlag=True, Delay=5, MaxWait=120, DeltaT=2, tries=5):
   setpoint (K) -- desired end T
   WaitFlag (default=True) -- if True the routine will return once the temperature is reached (default), 
                              False means return immediately after setting the ramp to begin
   Delay (min) -- period of time to wait after initially reaching the desired temperature in min (default is 5)
   MaxWait (min) -- maximum period to wait for the selected sensor to reach the Set Point in min.
                    If this period expires, an exception is thrown (defaults to 120)
   DeltaT (K) -- allowed discrepancy between the selected sensor and the desired T to start the delay period (defaults to 2)
   tries -- number of repeats to try when sending the command before giving up (defaults to 5)



Sets Oxford ITC503 setpoint and optionally hold for temperature

def SweepCryostatT(startpoint, endpoint, sweeptime, WaitFlag=False, MaxWait=1.25, tries=5):
   startpoint (K) -- desired start T for Temp
   endpoint (K) -- desired end T
   sweeptime (min) -- desired time for change from startpoint to endpoint (minutes)
   WaitFlag (default=False) -- if True the routine will return once the temperature is reached,
                               False means return immediately after setting the ramp to begin (default)
   MaxWait (ratio) -- maximum period to wait for the sweep to complete as a ratio of the sweep time.
                      Default is 1.25, meaning to wait 125% of sweeptime,
                      If this period expires, an exception is thrown.
   tries -- number of repeats to try when sending the command before giving up (defaults to 5)

Example Code

s11bmwork% /APSshare/bin/python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 28 2009, 15:33:22) 
[GCC 4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-13)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('/local/11BMcontrol/MailIn')
>>> import robot
>>> robot.GetCryostatT()
(1.3999999999999999, 407.80000000000001, 273.39999999999998)
>>> robot.gui.Sleep(1)
>>> robot.SweepCryostatT(1,2,1)
>>> robot.SweepCryostatT(1,2,1,WaitFlag=True)