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LaueGo is the main software package for micro-diffraction data analysis and visualization at 34ID-E. It is implemented based on Igor Pro, which runs on both PC and Mac.
It is developed by Jon Tischler, and distributed freely to all 34ID-E users.
Download and Installation
The package can be downloaded from its Github page (click "Download ZIP" on the right side of the page). Please follow the installation guide to finish installation.
Basic Operations
The Micro Panel
Setting up the geometry and crystal lattice
Display and index a single Laue image
=== Strain Refinement
Energy scans
Details Tab
- Review depth-reconstruction summaries. The "Load Recon Summary" loads the summary file from a depth reconstruction. With the reconstructed images from each wire scan you will find a text file with a name like "WW_1_summary.txt". This file sumarizes the result of a wire scan. The button "Load Recon Summary" will select a summary file, load it, and display the total intensity vs. depth for that wire scan. If you need to re-plot the intensity vs. depth for a loaded summary use the following button "Re-Plot Summary".
- Make a movie out of a series of images.
- Sum over multiple images.
- Extract single images from fly-scan data files.
Laue Sim. Tab
Makes a simulated Laue pattern. If you have already indexed the pattern the Laue pattern should be oriented with the simulated indexed pattern.
3D-Arrays Tab
Calibration Tab
Functions used for calibrating beamline geometries by the staff.