Installation of LaueGo Package
The following guide applies to both Windows and Mac computers. "[MyDocuments]" refers to the special user documents folder designated by the operating system, namely "%USERPROFILE%\My documents" on Windows, or "$HOME:Documents" on Mac.
1. If you've just freshly installed Igor Pro, run it at least once. This will create a "Wavemetrics" folder inside "[MyDocuments]".
2. Download and unzip this package from
3. Copy all unzipped files and subfolders into "[MyDocuments]\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 6 User Files\User Procedures".
4. (First-time installation only) Inside the "User Procedures" folder, among everything you’ve just copied, find subfolder named "always". Create a shortcut to this "always" folder inside "[MyDocuments]\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 6 User Files\Igor Procedures".
5. (First-time installation only) Find files "HDF5 Help.ihf" and "HDF5.xop" under path "C:\Program Files (x86)\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro Folder\More Extensions\File Loaders" on a PC, or "Applications\IgorPro 6.x Folder\More Extensions\File Loaders" on a Mac. Create shortcuts to both files inside "[MyDocuments]\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 6 User Files\Igor Extensions".
6. (Mac only) (First-time installation only) Find files "HFSAndPosix Help.ihf" and "HFSAndPosix.xop" inside "Applications\IgorPro 6.x Folder\More Extensions\Utilities"; create shortcuts to both files inside "[MyDocuments]\WaveMetrics\Igor Pro 6 User Files\Igor Extensions"
7. Done. You only need to repeat step 2 and 3 the next time you update your package.