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Back to Sample Alignment Quick Reference
This reference is intended as a checklist for staff or advanced users - steps are outlined with a minimum of detail
1) Exit CCD software
Access computer Mahler on a KVM station - bring up CCD Image Server software, hit File then Exit
i) If the SPiiPlus software is on and the Coolsnap focus motion is still connected, make sure the amplifier is disabled (hit disable motion for axis 0 on the motion control screen)
2) Power down CCD
When removing Coolsnap detector switch off small rocker switch on back, then rocker switch on the larger bottom power supply on detector arm, disconnect data and power cables, and organize cables for focus motion
When removing PIXIS 1024XF detector switch off rocker switch on the smaller top power supply on detector arm, disconnect data cable, power cable, and logic out - shutter BNC cable
When removing PI-LCX detector unplug controller power cord marked PI-LCX on outboard wall, disconnect large data cable (first slide retaining clip to the left), disconnect controller-shutter BNC barrel
i) If removing Coolsnap make sure amplifier is disabled for focus motion prior to disconnecting any cables to the nanomotion amplifier or encoder
3) Remove / replace CCD
All CCDs dismount with 3x 10-32 screws on the base, then slide straight out, gently rocking if necessary - mount new CCD in the same way
i) Be extremely careful jostling Coolsnap tube lens - treat as if it could strip out from the face at any moment
ii) Place Coolsnap on its right hand side with the nanomotion motor facing up when storing
4) Connect / Power up CCD
When mounting Coolsnap detector connect both the data and power cables, then switch on the larger bottom power supply on detector arm, then switch on small rocker switch on back
When mounting PIXIS 1024XF detector connect the data cable, power cable, and logic out BNC - shutter BNC cable, then switch on rocker switch on the smaller top power supply on detector arm
When mounting PI-LCX detector connect the large data cable (then slide retaining clip to the right to lock), and connect controller logic cable-shutter BNC cable with a barrel, then plug controller power cord marked PI-LCX on outboard wall
i) After power on, verify the cooling fans on the mounted CCD are operational - audible on all three CCDs
5) Select appropriate shutter mode
When mounting Coolsnap detector set flick switch on Aszol shutter control at front of hutch to Manual Open (green light should be on)
When mounting PIXIS 1024XF or PI-LCX detector set flick switch on Aszol shutter control at front of hutch to Remote Control
i) Audible clicking should be heard when flick switch is cycled
6) Set up CCD software for new detector
Start CCD software by double clicking icon on desktop
Click Setup --> Hardware, hit "ok" on Photometrics screen, then select either Coolsnap or PI-LCX on the next menu
If an error window pops up during this, move it all the way to the side and continue (DO NOT acknowledge the error now)
Enter a nominal exposure time (eg 1 sec), and enter -30 for temperature
If an error occured during the previous steps - before proceeding hit file -- exit, then acknowledge the error to kill the program, restart the program
Click Setup --> Acquisition, set the exposure time to 1sec and temperature to -30 again if necessary
Your window should look like the size of the CCD chip at this point, and hitting acquire should give you an image
Set number of ROIs to 5, DO NOT acknowledge the error this generates - move the error window to the side and continue
Click File - exit - ok, then acknowledge the error
Start the software again, verify number of ROIs is 5, hit setup - acquisition to verify temperature and acquisition time parameters, then acquire an image
i) Use ROI and Use Calculations buttons must be checked for scan record PVs such as R01.Average to connect
7) Set Two Theta and Gamma calculation offsets
From main beamline screen, click DET - Detector Motors screen, then click the Config button on the bottom right of this screen
On the row marked Y detector CHANGE HERE - input 3.85 for the Coolsnap and 0.0 for either of the other detectors, then close this window
From main beamline screen, click IOCs -- 26ID IOC List -- 26idcDET -- Placeholders -- AnalogOUT
On the row marked X detector CHANGE HERE - input 0.25 for the Coolsnap and 0.0 for either of the other detectors, then close this window
Drive the Two theta and Gamma to the desired position for alignment (typically 0, 0) - these should now be correct to center the beam on detector
i) If gamma calculation is not moving as the Ydet and Zdet appear hung up, you may need to run restartioc on the DET e-brick