ICMS Change Log

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November 2 2011

Added 'Is Controlled Document' flag. It is present on all check in and search pages. At present this is not connected to any kind of other logic for the ICMS.

November 16 2011

Changed the configuration for Title (dDocTitle). It used to have search operators of Has Word, and Has Word Prefix. Now it has a wider range of operators. This was by updating it on the Zone Configuration panel for DatabaseFulltext, adding it to the section on the right.

January 17 2012

  • Fix for problematic logics

A user was having issues with logging in. Enabling a feature in the ICMS will now permit that user to log in with their chosen credentials.

  • Turning indexing back on for title

On 11.16.11 we changed the way Title was indexed in the system. This ended up causing problems with saved search queries.

  • Add two fields for Document Control

Alternate Document ID and Controlled Revision Number have been added to the system. These fields currently have no programming logic behind them but they can be specified on Check In and Update for any document, and they can be searched for on any document.

February 9 2012

  • Turn off refinement for PDFs. This should be transparent to most users, but we oscillate between using an actual 'PDF Refinement' process and not doing anything with PDFs when they are the 'Primary File' on checkin. A user was having a problem with their PDF so we switched this setting.

July 17 2012

  • Upgrade base system to version (120606)Build
  • Add a fix for a bug. This bug was: when you upload a .docx file and specify a .pdf as your alternate file, the pdf would become corrupted and unviewable.

Oct 11 2012

  • Add a new workflow - APS_AdHoc_Workflow