V4 2nd Design Meeting Notes

Revision as of 14:48, 11 July 2005 by RalphLange (talk | contribs) (Meeting Notes Monday 11th)

2nd Design Meeting Notes

Who is the customer?

As there are no big machines coming up and lots of existing installations, V4 will be targeting the whole community.

Compatibility and conversion issues

V4 will not support 68k processors under Tornado2, only under RTEMS. (There might be memory footprint issues, though.)

Lower limit: 8MB/68k or 16MB/coldfire - i.e. must support small and embedded systems.

Gateways will be used to convert CA connections between V3 and V4 within one system.

We should provide a set of asara records (asara = as similar as reasonably achievable) providing V3 behaviour that can be used for automatic conversion of existing V3 databases.