How to find which IOC provides a PV

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How to find where an IOC is running which provides a PV name. This process is for IOCs running on Linux servers.

Step 1: Find Host and TCP port

The cainfo command will tell you which host is serving a particular PV, and which TCP port number on that host is used.

    $ cainfo LN-TS{EVR:1A-SFP}Pwr:RX-I
    State:            connected
    Access:           read, write
    Native data type: DBF_DOUBLE
    Request type:     DBR_DOUBLE
    Element count:    1

Here we see that the PV "LN-TS{EVR:1A-SFP}Pwr:RX-I" is served from port number 5064 of

    $ cainfo LN-RF{Amp:1]On-Set
    State:            connected
    Host:             linacioc01.cs.nsls2.local:36349
    Access:           read, write
    Native data type: DBF_ENUM
    Request type:     DBR_ENUM
    Element count:    1

Here is another example where the hostname is shown instead of an IP address. Also this server has more than one IOC, and the one in question is using port 36349.

Step 2: Find which process is using a TCP port (Linux only)

Super-user (root) permission is required to find which Linux process is bound to a particular TCP port.

To continue the example from above. On the server linacioc01.cs.nsls2.local we run:

   $ sudo netstat -tlpn | grep 36349
   tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      4627/s7ioc

This tells us that TCP port 36349 is bound by process ID (PID) 4627, which has the process name of 's7ioc'.

Step 3: Find information about a process (Linux only)

The ps command can give some information, including the command used to start the process. This often contains enough information to identify where the IOC's files can be found.

   $ ps aux|grep 4627
   softioc   4627  1.5  0.0  93748  6616 pts/23   Ssl+ Jan07 744:18 ../../bin/linux-x86/s7ioc /epics/iocs/RF-CONTROL/iocBoot/iocrf-control/st.cmd

There are several pieces of information available under /proc which are useful. The entry '/proc/<pid>/cwd' is a symbolic link to the current working directory of the process. There is also '/proc/<pid>/exe' which links to the executable.

   $ sudo ls -l /proc/4627/cwd
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 softioc softioc 0 Feb 10 11:49 /proc/4627/cwd -> /direct/linacioc01_iocs/RF-CONTROL
   $ sudo ls -l /proc/4627/exe
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 softioc softioc 0 Jan  7 09:58 /proc/4627/exe -> /direct/linacioc01_iocs/RF-CONTROL/bin/linux-x86/s7ioc