RRM 3-13 String Calcout
sCalcout Record
This page actually describes the EPICS-3.14-compatible version of the sCalcout record. Documentation of the 3.13-compatible version is currently not available in this format, but may be found in the 'std' module of a 3.13-compatible synApps package.
The String Calculation Output or "sCalcout" record is derived from the Calcout record and extends it by supporting string expressions in addition to numeric expressions. The record has 12 string fields (AA...LL) used as input variables for the expression. It calls an extended version of the EPICS calculation engine that accepts string arguments, supports a variety of string functions, and can produce string results. The record's output link writes string or numeric data depending on the data type of the field to which it is linked.
Parameter Fields
The fields in this record fall into the following categories:
- Scan Parameters
- Read Parameters
- Expression Parameters
- Output Parameters
- Operator Display Parameters
- Alarm Parameters
- Monitor Parameters
- Run-Time Parameters
Scan Parameters
The sCalcout record has the standard fields for specifying under what circumstances the record will be processed. These fields are listed in Scan Fields. In addition, Scanning Specification explains how these fields are used. Since the sCalcout record supports no direct interfaces to input hardware that might generate an interrupt, it cannot be scanned on I/O interrupt, so its SCAN field cannot be I/O Intr
Read Parameters
The read parameters for the sCalcout record consist of 24 input links: 12 for numeric values (INPA→A, INPB→B, ... INPL→L); and 12 for string values (INAA→AA, INBB→BB, ... INLL→LL). The fields can be database links, channel access links, or constants. If they are links, they must contain a PV name. If they are constants, associated value fields will be initialized with the constants. These fields cannot be hardware addresses. In addition, the sCalcout record contains the fields INAV, INBV, ... INLV, which indicate the status of the links to numeric fields, and the fields IAAV, IBBV, ... ILLV, which indicate the status of the links to string fields. These fields indicate whether or not the specified PV was found and a link to it established. See Operator Display Parameters for an explanation of these fields.
See Address Specification for information on how to specify database links.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor |
INPA | Input Link A | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
INPB | Input Link B | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INPL | Input Link L | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
INAA | Input Link AA | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
INBB | Input Link BB | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INLL | Input Link LL | INLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Expression Parameters
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
CALC | Infix expression | String[40] | Yes | "" | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
CLCV | CALC Valid | Long | No | 0 | Yes | No | Yes | No |
OCAL | Infix expression | String[40] | Yes | "" | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
OCLV | OCAL Valid | Long | No | 0 | Yes | No | Yes | No |
Like the Calcout record, the sCalcout record has the fields CALC and OCAL, in which the developer or user can enter an infix expression to be evaluated when the record is processed. The numeric value resulting from evaluation of CALC will be placed in the VAL field, and the resulting string value will be placed in the SVAL field. VAL can then be used by the OOPT field (see Output Parameters) to determine whether or not to write to the output link or post an output event. Either VAL and SVAL can also be written to the output link. (If you elect to write an output value, the record will choose between VAL and SVAL, depending on the data type of the field at the other end of the output link.)
The CALC and OCAL expressions are actually converted to opcodes and stored in postfix notation in the RPCL and ORPC fields. It is these expressions which are actually used to calculate VAL. A postfix expression can be evaluated more efficiently at run-time than an infix expression would be. When CALC or OCAL is changed at run-time, the record-support routine special() will call a function to check it, and convert it to postfix.
In simple cases, OCAL is ignorable. It's use will be described later, in Output Parameters.
sCalcout-record expressions are very similar to Calcout-record expression described elsewhere in this manual. But instead of the standard EPICS calc engine (which does not support string fields or operations), sCalcout-record expressions are handled by the sCalc engine, a separate piece of software that normally is distributed along with the sCalcout record. The differences between these engines that matter for numeric expressions are the following:
- The constants PI (3.14159...), D2R (PI/180), R2D (180/PI), S2R (D2R/360), and R2S (1/S2R) are supported
- The functions MIN() and MAX() may have more than two arguments.
- The function NINT() (nearest integer) is supported.
- The function LN() (log base e) is a permitted alternative to LOGE()
- The function ATAN2() (alternative form of the arctangent function) is supported
- The binary operators '>&' (larger of the operands) and '<&' (smaller) are supported
- The binary operators '==' (equal) and '!=' (not equal) are permitted alternatives to '=' and '#', respectively.
- The unary operator '@' selects an input field by number. (E.g., '@0' means 'A'. If 'B' has the value 3, '@b' means 'D'.)
- The values of the variables A...L used in expressions may be the results of previously evaluated expressions.
Expressions supported by the sCalcout record can involve operands, algebraic operators and functions, trigonometric functions, relational operators, logical operators, string operators and functions, parentheses and commas, and the conditional '?:' operator. Numeric and string operands are supported, and any operand can be used with any operator or function. If an operand has the "wrong" type for the function or operator with which it is used, the operand will be converted implicitly to the correct type.
Grouping of operands with parentheses is important not only to specify the order in which operations are to be performed, but also to distinguish operands from operators whose names are spelled out, such as the logical operator 'AND'. For example, the expression 'AANDB', which could have meant 'A AND B', will be (mis)interpreted by the parser as 'AA NDB'.
The expression can use the values retrieved from the input links as operands, though constants can be used as operands too. These values retrieved from the input links are stored in the A-L, and AA-LL fields. The values to be used in the expression are simply referenced by the field name. For example, the value obtained from the INPA link is stored in the field A, and the value obtained from INPB is stored in field B. The field names can be included in the expression which will operate on their respective values, as in A+B.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
A | Input Value A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
B | Input Value B | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
L | Input Value L | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
AA | Input string AA | STRING (40) | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
BB | Input string BB | STRING (40) | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LL | Input string LL | STRING (40) | No | 0 | Yes | Yes/No* | Yes | Yes |
Legend: * If a non-blank input link is associated with this field, then it may not be modified. This is true even if the input link is invalid (in which case, the value will be 0, for a numeric field, or "Huh?", for a string field).
There are a few special operands not associated with input fields, but
defined by the record (more exactly, defined by the calc engine the record uses
to evaluate expressions). All but RNDM
are constants.
PI | 3.141592654 |
D2R | Degrees to radians (PI/180) |
R2D | Radians to degrees (1/D2R) |
S2R | Arc seconds to radians (D2R/3600) |
R2S | Radians to arc seconds (1/S2R) |
RNDM | Random number between 0 and 1. |
Algebraic Functions/Operators
Op | Description | Example |
ABS | Absolute value (one-argument function) | ABS(A)
SQRT | Square root (one-argument function) (SQR is deprecated) | SQRT(A)
MIN | Minimum (two-or-more-argument function) | MIN(A,B,C)
MAX | Maximum (two-or-more-argument function) | MAX(A,B,C)
CEIL | Ceiling (one-argument function) | CEIL(A)
FLOOR | Floor (one-argument function) | FLOOR(A)
INT | Nearest integer (one-argument function) | INT(A)
NINT | Nearest integer (one-argument function) | NINT(A)
LOG | Log base 10 (one-argument function) | LOG(A)
LN | Natural logarithm (one-argument function) | LN(A)
LOGE | Deprecated synonym for 'LN' | LOGE(A)
EXP | Exponential function (unary) | EXP(A)
^ | Exponential (binary) (Same as '**'.) | A^B
** | Exponential (binary) (Same as '^'.) | A**B
+ | Addition (binary) | A+B
- | Subtraction (binary) | A-B
* | Multiplication (binary) | A*B
/ | Division (binary) | A/B
% | Modulo (binary) | A%B
- | Negate (unary) | -A
NOT | Negate (unary) | NOT A
>& | Max (binary) | A>?B
<& | Min (binary) | A<?B
Trigonometric Functions
Op | Description | Example |
SIN | Sine (one-argument function) | SIN(A)
SINH | Hyperbolic sine (one-argument function) | SINH(A)
ASIN | Arc sine (one-argument function) | ASIN(A)
COS | Cosine (one-argument function) | COS(A)
COSH | Hyperbolic cosine (one-argument function) | COSH(A)
ACOS | Arc cosine (one-argument function) | ACOS(A)
TAN | Tangent (one-argument function) | TAN(A)
TANH | Hyperbolic tangent (one-argument function) | TANH(A)
ATAN | Arc tangent (one-argument function) | ATAN(A)
ATAN2 | Alternate form of arctangent (two-argument function) | ATAN2(A,B)
Relational Operators
Op | Description | Example |
>= | Greater than or equal to | A>=B
> | Greater than | A>B
<= | Less than or equal to | A<=B
< | Less than | A<B
!= | Not equal to (same as '#') | A!=B
# | Not equal to (same as '!=') | A#B
== | Equal to (same as '=') | A==B
= | Equal to (same as '==') | A=B
Logical Operators
Op | Description | Example |
&& | Logical AND | A&&B
|| | Logical OR | A||B
! | Logical NOT | !A
Bitwise Operators
Op | Description | Example |
| | Bitwise OR | A|B
OR | Bitwise OR | A OR B
& | Bitwise AND | A&B
AND | Bitwise AND | A AND B
XOR | Bitwise Exclusive OR | A XOR B
~ | One's Complement | ~A
<< | Left shift | A<<B
>> | Right shift | A>>B
Parentheses and Comma
The open and close parentheses are supported. Nested parenthesis are supported.
The comma is supported when used to separate the arguments of a binary function.
Conditional Expression
The C language's question mark operator is supported. The format is:
<expression> ? <expression-true result> : <expression-false result>
String Functions/Operators
Most two-argument string functions and binary string operators are "overloaded" numeric functions and operators that perform string operations only if both of their arguments/operands are strings.
Op | Description | Example |
MIN | Minimum lexically (two-or-more-argument function) | MIN('a','b','c') → 'a'
MAX | Maximum lexically (two-or-more-argument function) | MAX('a','b','c') → 'c'
INT | Find first number in string; return nearest integer (one-argument
function) | INT('1.9') → 1
NINT | Find first number in string; return nearest integer (one-argument
function) | NINT('1.9') → 2
+ | Concatenate (binary) | 'a'+'b' → 'ab'
- | Delete first occurrence of substring (binary) | 'abca'-'a' → 'bca'
-| | Delete first occurrence of substring (binary) | 'abca'-'a' → 'bca'
|- | Delete last occurrence of substring (binary) | 'abca'-'a' → 'abc'
>= | Lexically greater than or equal (binary) | 'a'>='b' → 0
> | Lexically greater than (binary) | 'a'>'b' → 0
<= | Lexically less than or equal (binary) | 'a'<='b' → 1
< | Lexically less than (binary) | 'a'<'b' → 1
!= | Lexically not equal to (binary) | 'a'!='b' → 1
== | Lexically equal to (binary) | 'a'=='b' → 0
DBL | Convert argument to double (one-argument function) | DBL('1') → 1.0
STR | Convert argument to string (one-argument function) | STR(1) → '1.00000000'
BYTE | Convert first character of string argument to double (one-argument function) | BYTE('abc') → 97.0
PRINTF | Return string constructed from format string and string or
double argument (two-argument function) (NOTE: '$P' is a synonym for PRINTF)
| PRINTF("%.2f",1.23) → '1.23'
SSCANF | Return string or double parsed from string argument according
to format string (two-argument function) (NOTE: '$S' is a synonym for SSCANF)
| SSCANF('V=1.25', "%*2c%lf") → 1.25
TR_ESC | Translate escape sequences into the characters they represent
(one-argument function). (NOTE: '$T' is a synonym for TR_ESC.)
| TR_ESC("a\x62c") → 'abc'
ESC | Translate escape characters into equivalent escape sequences.
(one-argument function) (NOTE: '$E' is a synonym for ESC)
| ESC("a<return>c") → 'a\rc'
[ | Substring | 'abcdef'[1,3] → 'bcd'
{ | Substring substitution | 'abcdef'{'cd','XX'} → 'abXXef'
" | String indicator | "abc"
' | String indicator | 'abc'
Operand-Array Operators
Op | Description | Example |
@ | Numeric array element. Regard the numeric fields A-L as an array whose elements
are numbered 0-11, and return the element whose number follows. (unary) | @A
@@ | String array element. Regard the string fields AA-LL as an array of strings whose
elements are numbered 0-11, and return the element whose number follows. (unary) | @@A
Algebraic Examples
A + B + 10 Result is A + B + 10
Relational Examples
(A + B) < (C + D) Result is 1 if (A+B) < (C+D) Result is 0 if (A+B) >= (C+D)
Question Mark Examples
(A+B)<(C+D)?E:F+L+10 Result is E if (A+B) < (C+D) Result is F+L+10 if (A+B) >= (C+D)
(A+B)<(C+D)?E Result is E if (A+B) < (C+D) Result is unchanged if (A+B) >= (C+D)
Logical Examples
A&B Causes the following to occur:
- Convert A to integer
- Convert B to integer
- Perform bit-wise AND of A and B
- Convert result to floating point
String Examples
A + "abc"
A + "abc1.2"
A + AA (where AA = "abc1.2")
- Result is A. The strings "abc" and "abc1.2" will be converted implicitly to the number 0.
A + DBL("abc1.2")
- Result is A + 1.2. Explicit conversion to a number (by DBL, INT, or NINT) is more aggressive than implicit conversion, and skips leading non-numeric characters.
"abc" + "def"
- Result is "abcdef".
PRINTF("abc%1.2f", A) (where A = 1.2345)
- Result is "abc1.23".
- NOTE: unlike the c-language function printf(<format>,<arg1>,<arg2>,...), this function accepts only one argument after the format string.
SSCANF(AA, "%*3c%lf") (where AA = "abc1.2")
- Result is "1.20000000". (The format fragment "%*3c" directs sscanf to ignore three characters.)
- NOTE: unlike the c-language function sscanf(<source>,<format>,<dest1>,<dest2>,...), this function cannot store to a variable, but only to the value stack.
- Result is 65, the ASCII code for "A" in decimal.
- Result is "cde". (The first character of the string is numbered "0".)
- Result is "ef". (The last character of the string is numbered "-1".)
- Result is "cd". (If the first argument is a string, it returns the index of the first character after a successful match, or the first character in the string if no match was found. If the second argument is a string, it returns the index of the last character before a successful match, or the last character in the string if no match was found.) In other words, string arguments delimit the substring they are specifying without participating in it.)
A==2 ? "yes" : "no"
- Result is "yes" if A == 2; otherwise, result is "no".
- Result is "adcbef".
- Result is "abcdef". (If no match, then no replacement.)
- Result is "cd"
Array Examples
- Result is the value of the numeric variable A. ("@0" is just another name for A.)
- Result is the value of the string variable AA.
- Result is the value of the numeric variable whose number is given by the sum of A and B.
Output Parameters
These parameters specify and control the output capabilities of the sCalcout record. They determine when to write the output, where to write it, and what the output will be. The OUT link specifies the Process Variable to which the result will be written. The OOPT field determines the condition that causes the output link to be written to. It's a menu field that has six choices:
Every Time | write output every time record is processed.
On Change | write output every time VAL changes, i.e., every
time the result of the expression changes.
When Zero | when record is processed, write output if VAL is
When Non-zero | when record is processed, write output if VAL
is non-zero.
Transition to Zero | when record is processed, write output only
if VAL is zero and last value was non-zero.
Transition to Non-zero | when record is processed, write output
only if VAL is non-zero and last value was zero. |
Never | Don't write output ever. |
The DOPT field determines what data is written to the output link when
the output is executed. The field is a menu field with two options: Use
CALC or Use OCAL. If Use CALC is specified, when
the record writes its output it will write the result of the expression
in the CALC record, that is, it will write the value of the VAL [SVAL]
field to a double [string] destination. If Use OCAL is specified,
the record will instead write the result of the expression in the OCAL
field, which is contained in the OVAL field (string result in the OSV)
field. The OCAL field is exactly like the CALC field and has the same functionality:it can contain the string representation of an expression which is evaluated at run-time. Thus, if necessary, the record can use the result of the CALC expression to determine if data should be written and can use the result of the OCAL expression as the data to write.
If the OEVT field specifies a non-zero integer and the condition in the OOPT field is met, the record will post a corresponding event. If the ODLY field is non-zero, the record pauses for the specified number of seconds before executing the OUT link or posting the output event. During this waiting period the record is "active" and will not be processed again until the wait is over. The field DLYA is equal to 1 during the delay period. The resolution of the delay entry is 1/60 of a second (it uses the VxWorks tickLib).
The IVOA field specifies what action to take with the OUT link if the sCalcout record enters an INVALID alarm status. The options are Continue normally, Don't drive outputs, and Set output to IVOV. If the IVOA field is Set output to IVOV, the data entered into the IVOV field is written to the OUT link if the record alarm severity is INVALID.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
OUT | Output Specification | OUTLINK | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | N/A | No |
OOPT | Output Execute Option | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
DOPT | Output Data Option | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OCAL | Output Calculation | STRING[36] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OVAL | Output Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
OEVT | Event To Issue | SHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
ODLY | Output Execution Delay | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IVOV | Invalid Output Action | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IVOA | Invalid Output Value | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OSV | Output string value | STRING[40] | NO | 0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
WAIT | Wait for completion? | Menu | Yes | "NoWait" | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
The sCalcout record now uses device support to write to the
link. Soft device supplied with the record is selected with
the .dbd specification
field(DTYP,"Soft Channel")
This device support uses the record's WAIT
field to determine
whether to wait for completion of processing initiated by the OUT
link before causing the record to execute its forward link. The mechanism by
which this waiting for completion is performed requires that the
link have the attribute CA
-- i.e., the link text
looks something like
xxx:record.field CA NMS
Currently, the record does not try to ensure that WAIT
are compatibly configured. If WAIT
== "Wait",
but the link looks like
xxx:record.field PP NMS
for example, then the record will not wait for completion before executing its forward link.
Operator Display Parameters
These parameters are used to present meaningful data to the operator. Some are also meant to represent the status of the record at run-time. An example of an interactive MEDM display screen that displays the status of the sCalcout record is located here.
The EGU field contains a string of up to 16 characters which is supplied by the user and which describes the values being operated upon. The string is retrieved whenever the routine get_units is called. The EGU string is solely for an operator's sake and does not have to be used.
The HOPR and LOPR fields only refer to the limits of the VAL, HIHI, HIGH, LOW, and LOLO fields. PREC controls the precision of the VAL field.
The INAV-INLV and IAAV-ILLV fields indicate the status of the link to the PVs specified in the INPA-INPL and INAA-INLL fields, respectively. The fields can have three possible values:
Ext PV NC | the PV wasn't found on this IOC and a Channel Access link hasn't
been established. |
Ext PV OK | the PV wasn't found on this IOC and a Channel Access link has
been established. |
Local PV | the PV was found on this IOC. |
Constant | the corresponding link field is a constant. |
The OUTV field indicates the status of the OUT link. It has the same possible values as the INAV-INLV fields.
The CLCV and OLCV fields indicate the validity of the expression in the CALC and OCAL fields, respectively. If the expression is invalid, the field is set to one.
The DLYA field is set to one during the delay interval specified in ODLY.
See the EPICS Record Reference Manual, for more on the record name (NAME) and description (DESC) fields.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
EGU | Engineering Units | STRING [16] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
PREC | Display Precision | SHORT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
HOPR | High Operating Range | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
LOPR | Low Operating Range | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
INAV | Link Status of INPA | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
INBV | Link Status of INPB | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
INLV | Link Status of INPL | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
OUTV | OUT PV Status | Menu | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
CLCV | CALC Valid | LONG | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
OCLV | OCAL Valid | LONG | No | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
DLYA | Output Delay Active | USHORT | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
NAME | Record Name | STRING [29] | Yes | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
DESC | Description | STRING [29] | Yes | Null | Yes | Yes | No | No |
IAAV | Link Status of INAA | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
IBBV | Link Status of INBB | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
ILLV | Link Status of INLL | Menu | No | 1 | Yes | No | No | No |
Alarm Parameters
The possible alarm conditions for the sCalcout record are the SCAN, READ, Calculation, and limit alarms. The SCAN and READ alarms are called by the record support routines. The Calculation alarm is called by the record processing routine when the CALC expression is an invalid one, upon which an error message is generated.
The following alarm parameters which are configured by the user define the limit alarms for the VAL field and the severity corresponding to those conditions.
The HYST field defines an alarm deadband for each limit. See the EPICS Record Reference Manual for a complete explanation of alarms and these fields.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
HIHI | Hihi Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HIGH | High Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LOW | Low Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LOLO | Lolo Alarm Limit | FLOAT | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HHSV | Severity for a Hihi Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HSV | Severity for a High Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LSV | Severity for a Low Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
LLSV | Severity for a Lolo Alarm | Menu | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HYST | Alarm Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Monitor Parameters
These parameters are used to determine when to send monitors for the value fields. The monitors are sent when the value field exceeds the last monitored field by the appropriate deadband, the ADEL for archiver monitors and the MDEL field for all other types of monitors. If these fields have a value of zero, every time the value changes, monitors are triggered; if they have a value of -1, every time the record is scanned, monitors are triggered.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
ADEL | Archive Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
MDEL | Monitor, i.e. value change, Deadband | DOUBLE | Yes | 0 | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Run-time Parameters
These fields are not configurable using a configuration tool and none are modifiable at run-time. They are used to process the record.
The LALM field is used to implement the hysteresis factor for the alarm limits.
The LA-LL fields are used to decide when to trigger monitors for the corresponding fields. For instance, if LA does not equal the value for A, monitors for A are triggered. The MLST and MLST fields are used in the same manner for the VAL field.
Field | Summary | Type | DCT | Initial | Access | Modify | Rec Proc Monitor | PP |
LALM | Last Alarmed Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
ALST | Archive Last Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
MLST | Monitor Last Value | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LA | Previous Input Value for A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LB | Previous Input Value for B | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LL | Previous Input Value for A | DOUBLE | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LAA | Previous Input Value for AA | STRING[40] | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
LBB | Previous Input Value for BB | STRING[40] | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
LLL | Previous Input Value for LL | STRING[40] | No | 0 | Yes | No | No | No |
Record Support
Record Support Routines
For each constant input link, the corresponding value field is initialized with the constant value if the input link is CONSTANT or a channel access link is created if the input link is PV_LINK.
A routine sCalcPostfix is called to convert the infix expression in CLCA-CLCV to postfix notation. The results are stored in RPCA-RPCP.
The process()
routine implements the following algorithm:
- Fetch values from all valid input links.
- Call sCalcPerform(), which evaluates the expression specified in CALC and stores the result in VAL. If sCalcPerform() returns success, UDF is set to FALSE.
- Check alarms. This routine checks to see if the new VAL causes the alarm
status and severity to change. If so, NSEV, NSTA and LALM are set. It also honors the alarm hysteresis factor (HYST). Thus the value must change by at least HYST before the alarm status and severity changes.
- Determine if the Output Execution Option (OOPT) is met. If it is met,
either execute the output link (and output event) immediately (if ODLY = 0), or schedule a callback to do so after the specified interval. See the explanation for the execOutput() routine below.
- Determine what fields should be posted, and with what attributes.
- Post all fields the record has changed.
- Alarm monitors are invoked if the alarm status or severity has changed.
- Archive and value change monitors are invoked if ADEL and MDEL conditions
are met.
- NSEV and NSTA are reset to 0
- Execute all valid output links, in order from OUTA to OUTP.
- Execute the forward link, set PACT FALSE, and return.
This is called if any of the fields A-L, CALC, OCAL, INPA-INPL, INAA-INLL, or OUT are changed. For expressions fields, special() calls sCalcPostfix. For value fields, special() keeps track of which fields have changed, because expressions will not be evaluated for fields that have been written to. For link fields, special() starts the process of checking link status.
Retrieves EGU.
Retrieves PREC.
Sets the upper display and lower display limits for a field. If the field is VAL, HIHI, HIGH, LOW, or LOLO, the limits are set to HOPR and LOPR, else if the field has upper and lower limits defined they will be used, else the upper and lower maximum values for the field type will be used.
Sets the upper control and the lower control limits for a field. If the field is VAL, HIHI, HIGH, LOW, or LOLO, the limits are set to HOPR and LOPR, else if the field has upper and lower limits defined they will be used, else the upper and lower maximum values for the field type will be used.
Sets the following values:
- upper_alarm_limit = HIHI
- upper_warning_limit = HIGH
- lower_warning_limit = LOW
- lower_alarm_limit = LOLO
- If DOPT field specifies the use of OCAL, call the routine sCalcPerform for the postfix version of the expression in OCAL. Otherwise, use VAL.
- If the Alarm Severity is INVALID, follow the option as designated by the field IVOA.
- If the Alarm Severity is not INVALID or IVOA specifies "Continue Normally", call device support to write the value of OVAL to device or PV specified by the OUT link, and post the event in OEVT (if non-zero).
- If an output delay was implemented, process the forward link.
The sCalcout record is not included with EPICS base. It is available as part of the calc module, which is part of the synApps package of EPICS-based synchrotron-beamline software.
EPICS Record Reference Manual - 7 JUNE 2006