How To Install Channel Archiver On Scientific Linux
For Channel Archiver installation refer to Channel Archiver Manual, Chapter 8: Setup, Installation.
On Scientific Linux (version 4.1, gcc 3.4.3) the following should be taken in account in addition to Channel Archive Manual's instructions:
The w3c-libwww sources supplied with archiver did compile but xmlrpc's configure didn't find it (probably path/location issues). I just grabbed the package from internet and it worked ok;
su -c "yum install w3c-libwww-devel"
xml rpc
I applied both patches mentioned in the manual and changed line 104 in extensions/src/ChannelArchiver/ThirdParty/xmlrpc-c-0.9.9/src/validatee.c where
was changed to
in order to prevent compiler error.
#include <xercesc/framework/MemoryManager.hpp>
as mentioned in manual.
XML-Simple and Frontier
Worked exactly as described in manual.
Some general notes
- /usr/local/bin is not by default included in path which causes archiver making
(when calling xmlrpc-c-config) to fail. Just export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
- I omited 'o' switch when extracting third party archives to prevent "Cannot
change ownership" errors.
- Remember to run "make" in extensions/configure prior to making