
Revision as of 14:30, 24 July 2014 by TimSouthern (talk | contribs)
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# Below is a database that will generate 10 messages, each with an associated time stamp. This database is useful for capturing events such as when an alarm comes in with a brief description of the alarm. One could use the records to display a running log that is written as actions are completed.

The pv $(S):info triggers the database to process. $(S):info FLNKs to the last message record. The last msg record gets the previous msg value then

#Program: msg.db
#Purpose: Creates a set of 10 messages that can be displayed in edm.

#  S    - application specific identifier 
#  TIME - defines format to display time PVs. Uses formats defined by the
#         linux 'date' command. (ie. "@%x %T" displays "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss")  

#Author:  Tim Southern <[email protected]>
#Created: June 10, 2010
#Updated: Feb. 25, 2012 
#         - Changed reading a PV for time to reading system using soft 
#           timestamp record type

record(stringin, "$(S):info")
    field(DESC, "Info from seq")
    field(VAL, "Message db intialized")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg10")
    field(PINI, "YES")

record(stringin, "$(S):msg01")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time01")
    field(INP, "$(S):info")

record(stringin, "$(S):time01")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(DTYP, "Soft Timestamp")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(INP, "$(TIME)")    	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg02")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time02")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg01")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time02")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg01")
    field(INP, "$(S):time01")	  

record(stringin, "$(S):msg03")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time03")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg02")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time03")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg02")
    field(INP, "$(S):time02")	  

record(stringin, "$(S):msg04")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time04")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg03")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time04")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg03")
    field(INP, "$(S):time03")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg05")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time05")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg04")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time05")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg04")
    field(INP, "$(S):time04")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg06")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time06")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg05")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time06")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg05")
    field(INP, "$(S):time05")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg07")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time07")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg06")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time07")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg06")
    field(INP, "$(S):time06")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg08")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time08")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg07")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time08")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg07")
    field(INP, "$(S):time07")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg09")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time09")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg08")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time09")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg08")
    field(INP, "$(S):time08")	

record(stringin, "$(S):msg10")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):time10")
    field(INP, "$(S):msg09")	

record(stringin, "$(S):time10")
    field(DESC, "Message History")
    field(VAL, "--------------------")
    field(FLNK, "$(S):msg09")
    field(INP, "$(S):time09")	