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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "warnings": {
        "main": {
            "*": "Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."
        "revisions": {
            "*": "Because \"rvslots\" was not specified, a legacy format has been used for the output. This format is deprecated, and in the future the new format will always be used."
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        "pages": {
            "10": {
                "pageid": 10,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Status",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "1-9-2013 Detector Head is sitting outside John's office when he arrives at work\n\n1-8-2013 LBL Ships detector Head without buffer chips to APS at noon\n\n11-15-2012 Decide to build two more detector heads without buffer chips and ship one to APS so that we could work in parallel to solve some problems and develop code.  This will make a total of 4 detector heads.\n\n4-3-2012 First x-ray on back illuminated 1K Frame Shift CCD using final hardware configuration.\n\n2-29-2012 First light on a back illuminated 1K Frame Shift CCD.  The back side used the LBNL in house pizza process.\n\n2-29-2012 Plan on using front side 1K FTFCCD to look for noise sources.  Suspect bias voltages Vdd or VddRst, which are generated in clock module, may be noisy."
            "12": {
                "pageid": 12,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "To Do List",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "== TO DO ==\n\n=== With Detector Head from LBL ===\n1. Immersion chiller probe on detector head.\n   Go back and switch conflat cupper gasket to rubber gasket.\n2. Pump down, Cool down, turn on, and take dark images at various exposure times.\n\n   Verify that dark images get brighter with longer exposure times.\n   Verify that the noise is at the expected level.\n3. Take some optical images.\n   Generate a photon transfer curve.\n4. Work on solving miscellaneous problems with LBNL\n   Optimize configuration parameters\n5. Software development\n   Area detector, data reduction, user interface.....\n6. Take some Fe and other source images\n   Will also be used to optimize configuration parameters\n7. Test at the Optics/Detector Beam line\n   Maybe able to take some flat field measurments?\n8. Install at Beam Lines\n\n=== CIN Modules ===\n* LBNL to fill in?\n\n=== Top Module ===\n* LBNL to fill in\n\n=== Digitizer Module ===\n* LBNL to fill in\n\n=== Chiller ===\n* Need to install into detector heads\n\n=== GUI ===\n* Add fCRIC mask to GUI\n* Keep consolidating redundant routines\n\n== COMPLETED TASK ==\n\n=== With Detector Head from LBNL ===\n1. Ring out untested power cable to clock module. \n\n  The power goes through vacuum cables that are part of the detector head.\n  The plan is to open up the detector head and remove the vacuum cables.\n  I can then use extra vacuum feed through connectors to test all of the cables to the clock module.\n\n2. Power spare clock module with power cables and test communications with Computer Interface Node (CIN) in ATCA. \n\n   This will verify that CIN is working and test all of the clock module cables without endangering the detector.\n\n3. Pump down Detector\n\n   Vacuum would get down to 5.0 e -1 mbar and then start going up.\n   Change all o-rings and change conflat rubber gasket with metal gasket.\n   Still doning same think.\n   John B and Chris P pumped with larger ruffing pump looking for leak.\n   Got to lower vacuum and could not find leak.\n   When they got done I hooked up turbo pump and it got to 5.0 e-2 mbar and kept going down.\n   So maybe it was a vertual leak that just needed to be pumped on??\n   Will let it pump over the weekend and see if we get to 1.0 e-5 mbar.\n\n4. Wired up two Thermocouples so I can monitor internal temperature\n\n   I hooked up the CCD thermocouple and the thermocouple on the warm side of the clock module.\n\n5. Install Immersion chiller probe on detector head\n\n   Before installing the immersion chiller I changed a rubber conflat gasket to a metal one.\n   I though this might be the cause of a leak, but I now realize that the rubber gasket was a thermal break with the copper block.\n   I will have to go back and put back in a rubber conflat gasket (John Hoyte says that they have some)\n\n6. Wire up equipment protection interlock and test it out\n  \n   This turns of the detector power if the detector head goes over -10degree C, and it turns off the chiller if the pressure goes above .001 mbar.\n\n7. Pump down, Cool down, and turn on detector and take fCRIC clamp images\n\n=== Vacuum Chambers ===\n*APS has two vacuum chambers built\n\n=== Chiller System ===\n* APS has two Systems\n\n=== GUI ===\n* Put under CVS control\n* Added image viewer\n* Added Expousre controls\n* Add fCRIC Timing waveforms \n* Sync/Update Exposure control when other data is sent down \n* One button to send file to FPGA and update GUI\n* Currenly when you send down a configuration file it does not update the GUI's waveforms, and bias windows, unless you are in the the waveform or bias window.\n\n=== ATCA Shelves ===\n* Arrived from \n* Linux installed\n* Lots of software installed\n* Raid array mounted and tested using 10Gbit Links\n\n=== Clock Module ===\n* 8-1-2012 Shipped 12 tested Clock Modules to LBL \nNeed to fully build 12 Clock Modules, LBNL will provide metal plates (3 per module) \nOrder 2 blank PCB \n* 4-2-2012 PCBs ordered (15 days) \n* 4-3-2012 Assembly ordered\n\n=== Power Supply ===\n* 12-20-2012 Added connector on back for interlock system.  When open power supply turns off."